Warszawa - Mokotów
Bobrowiecka 10
local number 61
Stairway IV, storey 2
Entrance in safeguard
+48 604 708 244

Kontakt: poniedziałki, wtorki 11.00-15.00

contact: monday, tuesday 11.00am -3.00pm
Polski  English  Français 
Pediatric Endocrinology in Warsaw

Premature and delayed puberty

Both premature and delayed puberty is an interest in children's endocrinology. These disorders are strictly defined. They may result from very serious diseases (rarely-cancerous process). They require thorough diagnostics and repeated treatment).

Video (only polish version): http://pytanienasniadanie.tvp.pl/34911401/przedwczesne-dojrzewanie-czy-to-wina-zlej-diety

+48 604 708 244

Bobrowiecka 10 lok. 61
00-728 Warsaw

Stairway IV, storey 2
Entrance in safeguard

NIP 5321690318